Train in the night (8 years old)
I think I was 8 years old. In the school I draw “train in the night”. It is very strong picture.
I was very angry, because I knew that the train is not perfectly drawn. And the teachers said “it’s perfect.” and I said “I know that is not perfect!”
But she did’t want to tell me what was wrong.
You will see I will send you the picture. It is a funny train. But I like the picture very much. I still have it in my wall.
I think its very strong. I think its very expressive.
Now, when I’m old, I don’t see how to say..
I think It’s nice that it has the mistake. I think it’s nice that the train is not perfect. Because now I think that drawing is perfect. (I.M) [From the interview]
性別 | 女 |
年齢 | 60代 |
出身 | フィンランド |
現在の職業 | グラフィックデザイナー |
小学校の時の図工 | |
中学校の時の美術 | |
平面(絵や版画)と立体(工作など)で好きな方 | |
何か賞をもらった経験 |