It’s make the pupil better to think freely and to be prepared for life, to develop their creativity.(C.L, fifties, Sweden)


Please tell us any comments of yours on how the education of arts and crafts is of use and how you are making good use of it in your daily life.

I think it’s necessary to have lessons in school with estetik and handcrafts. It’s make the pupil better to think freely and to be prepared for life, to develop their creativity. It’s often necessary to think creative, and when you make creative stuff it’s easier to think creative and be happy.

Please specify any good or bad memories of the lesson of arts and crafts at your elementary school days.

I remember when we started to work with clay in school, and making figures – I made one fat woman with a bucket, it was very fun and easy to modelling with clay. I don’t have any bad memories from the estetik lessons, I estimated the lessons

Please let us hear any words of advice or guidance given by your teachers or parents on the arts, crafts and paintings (in good or bad sense whatever).

They liked what I did, but I don’t remember that they gave me guidance.

Composition on the memories of works

I’m sorry but I don’t know were my early works are, I think that they are thrown away when I have been moving.


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